Pastor Anthony Caldwell

Pastor Anthony has served at NPBC since January 2023. He and his wife Christina have been married since 2006 and they have two girls, Briley and Britton.

Growing up in a Christian home shaped my values and introduced me to the Christian faith as a child. At the age of 8, I put my faith in Jesus Christ as my Savior, trusting Him with my life and eternity. My family cultivated a God-honoring environment with a great love for the local church. At 19-years-old, while serving as a summer missionary, God clearly called me to serve His church. I began by leading small groups, serving in volunteer roles in next-generation ministries. God has since allowed me to serve on staff at three churches over the last 20 years, allowing me to learn from multiple church cultures, staffing models, leadership constructs, and value systems. Through many seasons in ministry, God has shown Himself as the faithful Healer through consistent shepherding.

In 2021, I lost my father unexpectedly, which has defined new spiritual markers in my life. His leadership, mentorship, and wisdom is deeply woven into my faith journey. The day he went home I had a choice to make. Lean in or lean out. I leaned in. The way God spoke to me in those months following set me on a new trajectory. God clarified my calling and began to equip me in ways I never dreamed. My calling can be summed up in this phrase: empowering sojourners to live their most purposeful life.

We don’t know if we have tomorrow, so today let’s go for it.